Whether you are new to third-party maintenance (TPM) or a seasoned pro, use this set of checklists to help you evaluate and find an excellent third-party maintenance provider.
Pro tip: before you read further, make sure you understand the basics: what is third-party maintenance?
How to find the right third-party maintenance provider for your data center
- Do they prioritize responsiveness and reduced downtime?
- Can you access support quickly and easily throughout the process?
- What specific flexible options does the third-party maintenance provider offer?
- How can they help maximize your IT budget?
- Are they recognized outside of their organization for customer satisfaction?
- Do they provide references?
Does the TPM provider prioritize responsiveness and reduced downtime?
✓ Designated engineers specialized in supporting your equipment type
✓ On-site response and repair (not simply drop ship parts/phone support)
✓ Local parts inventory spared to support your data center equipment
✓ Low account-to-engineer ratio
✓ Straightforward support escalation procedures
✓ First-trip repair rate greater than 90%
Are you able to access support quickly and easily – from placing a service ticket to making changes in coverage?
✓ 24/7 Call center with in-house customer support team
✓ Customer portal with real-time view of equipment coverage, warranty tracking, and the option to place service tickets
✓ A quick call from your engineer for each new service ticket placed
✓ Single point of contact who provides help with billing needs and agreement updates
What flexible options does the third-party maintenance provider offer that meet your support needs?
✓ Multi-vendor support: Cisco, Dell EMC, IBM, HPE and other major OEMs
✓ Multi-platform support: server, storage and network maintenance services
✓ Gap coverage options: flexible time frames
✓ Clear, measurable data center SLAs: 24/7, Same Business Day, Next Business Day and more
✓ Customized solutions for service, billing, terms & conditions
How does the TPM provider help you maximize your IT budget?
✓ Lowers data center maintenance costs 30-85% from OEM pricing
✓ No charges or penalties for adding or deleting equipment coverage
✓ No hidden cost increases
Is the TPM provider recognized for its results, expertise and experience?
✓ Customer retention
✓ Customer satisfaction
✓ Customer references
✓ Company profile
✓ Gartner-recognized